All new members (working 18.5 or more hours a week) since July 1, 2022, can enroll in MTA’s disability plan during open enrollment from March 28 – May 13. This applies to all members in new MTA locals – what an unexpected benefit of affiliating!
What does this mean? Near 6,000 new members to date have a chance to get disability coverage that they may NEVER have again. That is, unless their local adopts the MTA plan (which is easy and highly recommended), these members will be out of luck.
What’s even better? This is a recurring new member benefit. Each year all new members regardless of their district’s participation in the MTA disability plan can elect to participate!
MTA has a plan to reach out to all new members but wanted locals to also post the information.
Here is the contact information if you are interested.
Beth Bejoian or Tom Colbert (; 774.551.0013, ext. 101) if you have questions or would like to discuss this opportunity that we’re so grateful to Unum for giving.